Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Model Monday!

Our Delta Gamma Model for this week is Kristen Ulmschneider! She is not only a founding member but one of the 4 girls of our first senior class for Eta O!
Thanks so much for everything you have done for us! You mean the world to Delta Gamma. We love how you can always make us laugh till we cry or cry until we laugh! we love you soooooo very much! Best of luck with everything!
Love Eta O!

" I have had a lot of fun times with all of my sisters here, wish I could have had a chance to know some of you guys a little better, but at least we all met. I have met a couple of my best friends here and gained a ton of great friendships! I will miss everyone when I leave for Austin, TX. But, hopefully I'll have a lot of visitors coming to see me down there! Some of my favorite moments were when my class and I were first getting to know one another. Everyone opened up and had no secrets to hide, we were all so welcoming to each other and that was so comporting! I wish that I could have been able to do that with the rest of the classes. I hope you all will keep this chapter so wonderful and amazing, I know you all will. Keep in touch!"

Kristin Ulmschneider

1 comment:

  1. Kristen - you are such a special lady! Thank you for ALL that you have done...know I treasure you and can't wait to see all the great things you do as an ALUM! love, kate
